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​The pathway to the perfect educational guidance and consultation

Step 1: Orientation

This serves as the first opportunity for us to interact with the student and their parents. This step is vital as we explain what our process is, its significance and advantages of taking professional advice from EduPrism. While explaining our process we are involved in a two way dialog with the students and their parents. This opens doors for us to understand what is the background of the student, their likes, dislikes and passions. We also keep a keen eye on the interpersonal relationships of the child, so we can understand the psychology and thought process of the child.

Step 2: Interest test

A interest test that helps us find what are the interests of the student and what will be a career path he/she will enjoy pursuing. This also serves as an opportunity for the students and parents to understand how we work and what are the advantages of choosing us to provide educational and career guidance services.

Step 3: Multi dimensional test

The test is the foundation of the entire process. We use a state of the art test which has a very high reliability and validity quotient. It is a multi dimensional test that analyses the orientation style, interests, aptitude, personality and emotional intelligence(EQ). This test does not require the student to study any subject before the test.

Step 4: Report

Our chief psychologist will explain a detailed report that is generated after the test. This will provide insights to both students and parents about the several factors like motivation levels, perseverance, practicality, logical reasoning etc. Our psychologist will also help and explain the ways these traits can be improved.

Step 5: Possibilities

We will give the students five career paths that suit the student the best based on their report. We will also explain these five paths in detail and provide the student and parents to choose 2 out of the following.

Step 6: Introspection

After having received a rough overview of the possibilities, the students and parents are encouraged to go through the report again. This helps them understand the report and opportunities in a better manner. They are also asked to choose any two of the five possibilities so that we can get them to interact with an expert in that field.

Step 7: Expert Interaction 1

Interaction with an expert that has studied the educational path that the student wants to study. The expert will provide a real world understanding of what it is like to pursue that particular field of education and the future of that path. The future will include the scope of field, what are the career options and what are specialization.

Step 8: Expert Interaction 2

Interaction with another expert who is pursuing a career which is a second choice educational path for the student. The expert will provide a real-world understanding of what it is like to pursue a career in the field and discuss things like the industry's scope, innovations, the importance of the industry, advantages and disadvantages.

Step 9: The road ahead

Once the student is happy with the guidance he has got, s/he will be given a complete path about pursuing that career. This will include important dates such as exams, the best universities in India and overseas, and the courses to take during the educational path.

Choosing the right package

We offer four different packages starting from our complimentary package going up to the premium package. You can choose the package that suits your needs and age group the best. Our package gives you an array of services and guidance designed for healthy development and consultation

*We accept bank transfers as well as digital wallet payments.

*We accept bank transfers as well as digital wallet payments.


What is the multi- dimensional test ?


The psychometric test that we use at EduPrism is state of the art. It is an amalgamation of the five important aspects that shape an individual’s educational path. These five significant dimensions are Orientation Style, Interest, Aptitude, Personality and Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Our test would give the student a detailed report highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, skill sets and career options that best suit them.

The test quantifies aspects such as:-


  • Orientation: Administrative, Informative, Creative and People oriented.
  • Interest: Marketing, Defence Services, Design, Performing Arts, Entrepreneurship and many more
  • Aptitude: Abstract, Perceptual, Spatial, Info Tech, Mechanical, Language Usage and many more
  • Personality: Resilience, Perfectionism, Moral Conformity, Extraversion, Integrity, Teamwork and many more
  • Emotional Intelligence: Empathy, Prosocial Behavior, Motivation, Conflict Management, Emotional Self Awareness and many more.

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